HSBC | Premier


UX Designer Thomas Saldanha  /  UI Designer Borja Sampedro


HSBC launched a new customer proposition for their Premier banking service. Our task was to review their existing offline and online experience and provide a series of enhancements that could be rolled out across Premier’s multiple global markets. 



UX review


Stakeholder presentations




Northstar workshop


Initial concepts


User testing


Post-testing amends


Prep for development

UX Review

I conducted a user experience review to identify gaps and opportunities within the current Premier eco-system. Over the course of 8 weeks I identified over 750 opportunities. The findings were played back to senior stakeholders over a series of presentations, where agreement was made on which opportunities were to be prioritised and moved forward with.

5x Tasks

Applying for a Credit Card, Mortgage, Children's Account, Bank Account in the UK and Internationally

3x Personas

Living in the moment
Prudent saver
Driven achiever

2x Segments


3x States

Logged out
Logged out with cookies
Logged in

Design review_0801018 (V2 premier only)

North Star Workshop

Post senior stakeholder buy-in, we visualised our identified opportunities within a series of conceptual user journeys and replayed them back to the wider business via a North Star Workshop. The workshop was attended by over 70 senior bankers and was a critical turning point as it enabled us to get some of the most senior members of the bank excited and bought into the next phase of the process.

Initial Concepts

Over the course of a year and a half, we developed a range of concepts to help showcase the capabilities of their soon to be migrated Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 platform.

Personalisation was a core focus throughout, we leveraged 1st and 3rd party data held on each customer such as salary, location, spending behaviours, products held with the bank, products held with competitors and predicted future intentions. This wealth of data allowed us to provide unique digital experiences to each individual customer by enabling product targeting, messaging, imagery and page hierarchy to adjust to each customer's wants and needs.

Please note: I established the UX for each of the concepts, however, the visual design was executed by one of our talented UI Designers - Borja Sampedro.


User testing

Throughout the project we conducted multiple user testing cycles to test a range of our hypothesis with real customers. User testing was hugely beneficial throughout this project, in particular it allowed us to get a better understanding of how customers reacted to their 1st and 3rd party data being used, and establish when and where it was appropriate.  


A few of the concepts we tested

Utilising transaction history & geo-location to contextually display product benefits

Attitudes to pre-filling applications with 1st party data

Utilising 3rd party data to highlight the banks partners products and services

Utilising AEM 6.5’s capability to display re-targeting modules on third party websites

Attitudes to being targeted with products based on 1st party data

Utilising 1st party data to automatically conduct a soft-check to display pre-approval status.


HSBC’s migration from AEM 6.1 to AEM 6.5 got delayed by 12 months. As all of our concepts rely on AEM 6.5’s capabilities, we are awaiting the migration to resume and on completion will move onto the implementation phase. 

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